The reader mentioned below actually consider doing this as one of the . Dear Bossip,. 1. He's told me he'll love his sister's child more than our own. My boyfriend and i have been together for over 3 years and moved in together after 5 months. To put it simply, every time we fight or argue, he tells his mom EVERYTHING. She does it to be petty , but the mother does or says absolutely nothing to her . when I was days away from giving birth we had sex to see if it would help me go into labour lol didn't work. So my boyfriend said he was going to talk to her, I was trying to explain to him that his mother is quite toxic to him and says hurtful things to him. Understand that lust is an ongoing temptation for your boyfriend, and make the choice to pray for him. It's really hard for me to digest. He compares your cooking to her cooking. By Kristi Gustafson Barlette on June 26, 2009 at 5:12 AM. When it's the weekend she always makes plans with friends that are all day long. When I finally met his family, I didn't feel the same. He struggles greatly with discussing anything "serious" without flipping out and yelling at me. No one should get tagged in pics without their consent, and if your boyfriend keeps uploading pics of you looking tired or drunk during a night out even though he knows you don't want the world to see them, then he's a jerk. Nothing motivates a guy more than to know he has someone else in his corner. Or kiss you in public. She seemed more beautiful and smarter than me even more nice and good at heart. He might even hold your hand. You need a grown man who's ready to leave the coupe and make a family for himself. This let me know i wasnt alone we have been together since 2013 i mer him online he told me he was a supervisor in a lab and he had a 6 bedroom house he didnt have children because his son died he didnt drink all lies he was heavy drinker he played it off for a while until he would stay out all night and come in in call me out my name and tell . If I say anything about it, he jumps all over me, defending her. By the way, my husband's sister is married. She treats my sister so much better than she treats me. My problem is that my husband and his sister are obsessed with each other so much so that I want to leave him because he allows her to act like his wife and she does things I don't approve of. I'm in a amazing relationship with my boyfriend. I accept that they are a more private bunch and I will never be more involved with them and don't want to be now either. Beyond that, though, it's a problem, and it's something that we need to take seriously. My (24, f) boyfriend (29,m) and I have been dating for about 10 months. We have so many similarities. Recently, that incident came up and I said that I definitely want us to celebrate my 50th birthday together since we couldn't celebrate my 40th together. Pray for him. My boyfriend even said she had the nerve to go around the family talking about me , and said that my boyfriend acts as if I'm more important than his family . Boyfriend in love with HIS Sister. He told me that if he did he'd miss more of his visitation and he didn't want to do that. Emotional incest is a thing (has nothing to do with anything sexual). When I was a kid, my parents always seemed to favor my two sisters over me. My boyfriend is always high and I am not sure if he sincerely, truly loves me or he just also says the words. I just need help cos my husband doesn't listen . My girlfriend and I have been dating for a long time now. He talks shit about me, complains, etc.she tells him he should break up with me, then when we work it out he expects me to spend time with him and his family. So, if you think he has feelings for another woman, you're probably right. Explain to him that you find his behaviour upsetting. She is always talking me down to others, including my boyfriend and children. He's trying to make you jealous and you absolutely need to be worried because you have to ask him why he's doing this. I don't know what to do. From the beginning, he has been very interested in the fact that I have a twin sister. If your boyfriend is the one doing the flirting with his female friends, then he's probably doing it on purpose. And your tolerance makes it ok. Cut ties because he can't cut the cord. My sister was content to sit around all day not doing much while I had the energy of "10 extra kids." When I was a teenager, my mom admitted to me that my younger sister was easier during a . My family loves my boyfriend and he is completely "normal" when with them, but his family has never really been friendly towards me. I never knew they were so close. I didn't know what to say, a 60 year old woman was acting like a child. Which in many cases can be okay, especially if they had been long-term friends and broke up on a good note. I was interested because I didn't know much about him during that time or what he went through in rehab. Ask him if he likes your friend. Jaynemarie Styles on April 22, 2020: as their very religious and in their eyes he had "sinned" very badly. You being there for him makes him feel normal. I admit it- I'm a snoop. Harriette Cole. And the worst thing is,they are my friends! I love you more then I can write! I love you= u Pray for him. before we had her we was like rabbits when it come to the bedroom. All. My boyfriend and I have been dating for so many years now and anytime we try to talk about his ex he leaves my questions unanswered.He told me never to talk about her. Needless to say, I was extremely hurt that something so important to me didn't matter to him. My girlfriend was a cheerleader for more than 10 years. He says she doesn't . They showered them with attention, gave them lots of love, all the gifts they could want. But if your boyfriend looks for ways to stay in touch with his ex-girlfriend, it might indicate he is seeking something more than friendship. Hi everyone this is a little complicated. He later backtracked on that one. ; Why your man might still be thinking about his ex, and why this often is something positive. His parents are elderly and he still lives with them but stays with me at my place at . The issue arises when immediately after the class, he goes over to the couch and calls his sister and talks about the class for an hour, and then when he finally gets off the phone with her, we talk about the class for 1 minute and then he falls asleep while I'm in the middle of a sentence. August 26, 2015. BUT… his father and sister don't like me, and my boyfriend doesn't stand up for me. It's a bad habit of mine that my boyfriend is well aware of. Them both my mom and my sister talks shit to my kids an my mom will give them Soo much attitude. Instinct and gut feelings usually are telling you the right thing. 4. On the rare occasion that I do go out, my boyfriend assumes I revert to my 18-year-old self. My younger sister was more like my mom — they were both soft-spoken, mild-mannered, and didn't disagree with anyone or stick up for themselves. You shouldn't have a relationship where you are walking on eggshells. Explain to him that you find his behaviour upsetting. My sister (18 now) was seven at the time of the divorce and he started using her as a pawn. He passive-aggressively posts. He tags you against your wishes. There are days when I go ahead and make plans for just the two of us and then his friends call him to come hang with them and he abandons whatever plans we have to go do that—or worse, he invites them to come join us in our thing.It drives me crazy whenever this happens. However, if he begins to act in strange ways in any situation that involves his baby mama, you might need to pay attention to any red flag his actions portray. December 29, 2017. . My husband always puts his family first. Earlier I suspected that my boyfriend is cheating on me with this girl which he found on Twitter. This made things awkward and . But my husband and his sister are talking about me and planing to blame me in front of relatives. I have a sister that's 2 yrs older then me an then there's my mom well neither of them r talking to me . . With a good talk, hopefully, you and your spouse can come up with an arrangement that honors your time together and respects . He should be proud to have you at his side. My parents (44f and 51m) divorced when I was 14. Tom Bower, a royal biographer, has claimed that the two Duchesses have never seen . Every time we talk, some new reason seems to come up. The one thats constantly on the bed is the size of a whale, and he snores extremely loud. This is the summary of my problem cos they are more heartbreaking issues to this . This will only hurt him by putting down his parents and negating his role as a husband. Women have incredible an incredibly strong will and self control, much more than guys. The relationship is long over, but he still talks to her. Answer (1 of 16): He is from an enmeshed family and you are an option for him. But with his older sister he is always happy, he jokes with her almost on all his days off I ask him nicely can we got out and he tells me yeah and then he takes me to his older sisters house. But then one day my boyfriend and I were talking and his phone started going off with messages from his sister-in-law. Deep down, you KNOW something's just not right about their "friendship . MEGHAN Markle was branded "that minx" by Camilla, who also thought she was "ungrateful", a royal expert claims. The problem is, is that she seems to know more about my life than I know about my life. In this article you will learn: The clear answer to your question, "Is he still in love with his ex? Ask him if he likes your friend. My mother-a widow who is eternally jealous of her married friends can't stand up to my sister since she is more successful than me) I can't fathom why my sister has always hated me, I had lot of health issues while growing up,my dad died when I was young, a time she utilized chatting with her boyfriend, she always had so much more than me . My life is revolved around his sister. She acts as though she is afraid of her . A boyfriend will put his arm around you occasionally. Since his sister and I are not in talking terms, he asked me to leave the bedroom so he could chat with her at around 2AM. Whenever I try to tech her something we fight, and my mom takes my sisters side. His family then found out how he had treated me, and also his dad is opposed to sex before marriage and going out on the weekends to get drunk so his dad told his mum, sister and brother not to contact my bf (VERY harsh I know!) I love him so much! "I broke up with my boyfriend because of his relationship with his sister." Jacinta Coelho. All he thinks about is his family .he never ever wants to disappointment or offend them . My dad was having an affair, I caught him with the other woman and told my mom about it. My Partner Of 6 Years Suddenly Left With No Explanation And Has Completely Shut Me And My Kids Out- Elise My Boyfriend Doesn't Seem To Have Gotten Over His Ex-girlfriend Insane Jealousy Plz give me any . I was wounded. He told me it is all going to be ok, I trust my bae. 10. She has absolutely nothing good ata all to say about me. • Having a line up of men wanting to have sex and then having all of them cum on me. My husband of 29 years spends more time with his sister and her family than he does with me and our children. His friendship with his ex takes precedence over your relationship. We have had way more drunk arguments than i can count with him always calling me names and breaking up with me. (She doesn't live here.) The last time I visited was three years ago, and my father proposed we all get . January 8, 2022 at 2:04 a.m. DEAR HARRIETTE: My friend's sister is one of the worst people I've ever met. I guess women are able to build muscle very quickly if they are determined. They use to flirt and joke around and met a couple of times. My boyfriend used to share all his updates with this girl and they seem like they are very close friends. Advice Please! If i want to continue on and on my script will be more than enough. He may just like her as a really good friend. Me and my boyfriend we're having the funniest conversation and out of nowhere he doesn't text me back and Texted him good night and in the morning I texted him gm and I just try to call him and he usually picks up but didn't. Rebeccah on March 01, 2018: My boyfriend texts me all the time but when we're hanging out he completely ignores me. The best thing you can do is talk to him. I live abroad but still talk to my sister and father. To make matters worse, my boyfriend's parents also invited my boyfriend's ex for the weekend. When he invited me to spend Christmas with his family, he invited me to bring my twin. 4. Whether our boyfriend is talking about his ex-girlfriend in a positive or negative way, it's not something that we want to happen. I found out much more. Although he talks negatively about me. 1. Twenty20, loganclement. Seriously, anytime I hear someone say, "My boyfriend still talks to his ex," my immediate . She would much rather take a lie and believe it is true, rather than believe the actual truth! He's hated my mom and me ever since. I hate how she treats my friend. he told me that he could not wait for me to have our baby so we could have more sex. Answer (1 of 21): If he has more commitment to his sister than his wife that's not a great man, find someone better and someone who makes you happy. The American television sitcom Full House ran for eight seasons on ABC from September 22, 1987, to May 23, 1995. So, if your partner still talks to their ex, I totally get why you might not be 100% on board with it. Help, my boyfriend's sister competes with me for his attention. He never spends time with me. Your boyfriend might not say he needs your help in this arena, but he probably does. Khadeeja on April 24, 2020: Some jealous parents want to kill their kids WARING. However, I discovered recently that he still has her contact and still stays in touch with her even on social media. :( I can't compete with them! my husband is so close to his sister than me which is very annoying, he gives her money for everything and even go to the point of hiding their chat conversations on cloud, which is very suspicious, he does not want me to know when . He's definitely doing that on purpose. We are working on our 2nd year being together. My best advice to you is to be aware of the struggle and pray for . He may just like her as a really good friend. She could murder a person and my mom would say it's fine, she's a child, she's younger than you, but she's . Same thing was happening to me. I don't know what to do and how to react. His father acts like he does like me. One day I found his old rehab journal that he had to keep when he was 17. Your boyfriend might not say he needs your help in this arena, but he probably does. The problem is, is that she seems to know more about my life than I know about my life. My husband could not say no. She is always talking me down to others, including my boyfriend and children. Talking is the key to any relationship. hahaha yeah right . He can't go 24 hours without talking to her.And he can't go 48 hours without seeing her face-to-face. He told me that she is one of his close friends and they talk all the time. My boyfriend and I argue about the same thing over and over again this has to do with his family he continues to put them before me. When we're in a store or on a walk, he'll hold her stuff, and make me carry mine. I am 20 and so is my boyfriend and she controlled the entire situation because she didn't like me. 3. We both agreed to try talk about our relationship again in the future but not before he moved out temporarily and we both committed on improving ourselves. Our life has revolved around their needs for almost the entire relationship now, and become progressively more of an issue. When she says something nasty about you, he doesn't stick up for you.But God forbid you say anything about her… 2. He's everything you can ask for in a guy. Recently my boyfriend wanted me to meet his family over the weekend and needless to say, I was very happy, excited and nervous. He told me if he says it once in a while its more meaningful. In the middle of the movie, his sister came online and asked him to put his webcam on so she can show her new bedroom in her husband's house. Well, slowly he has started spending more time messaging her and playing games with her into the night when I am over . She was always fit, she had a strong lower body and nice abs. She would much rather take a lie and believe it is true, rather than believe the actual truth! Some of the words I used in my discussion with my husband, Chris gave me, but most of what I told him came from my heart. so basically I have been with my current partner for 6 years we have a little girl together who will be 1 in January. Understand that lust is an ongoing temptation for your boyfriend, and make the choice to pray for him. Kate Jun 16 2011 3:02pm. Talking is the key to any relationship. He's more likely to choose hanging out with his friends over spending time with me. She would not even talk about what his sister did and then after the call his mom and sister both texted him saying horrible things about me. He should, at the very least, be more affectionate than he was on the first few dates. My Boyfriend's Friends Edit Me Out of Their Group Photos. I want to get a divorce . 21 Sure Signs He's Still In Love With His Baby Momma. At 57, I feel alone and not sure If I just say the words just to say them. My Neighbor Totoro (Japanese: となりのトトロ, Hepburn: Tonari no Totoro) is a 1988 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and animated by Studio Ghibli for Tokuma Shoten.The film—which stars the voice actors Noriko Hidaka, Chika Sakamoto, and Hitoshi Takagi—tells the story of a professor's two young daughters (Satsuki and Mei) and their interactions . Not sure what to make of this. Me and my friends aren't dancing on tables after ripping 10 of the cheapest shots in the building. Getting his Emotional needs . readmore 06 /8 Ex's family View Slideshow. He may be trying to prove to himself that he can balance all of his relationships. This is inevitable at the very beginning of our relationship. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we are in a really great relationship. for the past 8 months where i've spent the night I have acquired the worst sleep where I would just end up on the couch sleeping more than the bed. They already blamed me in front of my parents and relatives. Kick him to the side and move on to a better man. I work from home, my father in law would come at least once a week to visit during working hours, he would talk and talk for 2-3 hrs and ignore my requests that I really DID . Refrain from speaking badly of your husband's friends. ; The 2 crucial factors that determine whether him being in touch with . They are treating me as their enemy. I feel at times he makes them more important than me for example we could be in the middle of a conversation and before we are done talking he has the phone in his hand calling one of them. I love my sisters and don't . 15. +1 y For this you will need more background I was physically verbally and mentally abused for the for 17 years of my life at the age of 17 I ran away and have been taken care of myself ever since. I had more boy friends than girl friends when I was growing up, my hubby knows this and is fine with it. Your boyfriend and his ex might have ended their relationship but they are still on talking terms. Avoid Resentment Towards Your Husband; Avoid nagging your husband about you needing your husband to spend more time with you or choosing you over his mom and dad. Your body will pick up on anything that doesn't feel quite right. Ok so I'm having a issue I just don't want to tell my bf I talked to him and wanted the truth about this prank he did to his ex he pranked her by fake dating her fake saying old things like we say now I thought it was our thing I trust him but he didn't tell me he was texting his ex after 2-3 months I feel like he still loves her or likes . Nothing motivates a guy more than to know he has someone else in his corner. She lets my sister get away with anything. She has absolutely nothing good ata all to say about me. We can't talk much during the week. My best advice to you is to be aware of the struggle and pray for . He asks you to lie about wanting kids or about being Catholic, so that she'll approve of you. He says his niece is his top priority, and he'll be miserable if we move to another city and he can't be with her. My sister is a terrible person and I don't want her to be. Evident signs that he does miss his ex-wife or ex-girlfriend, and the best action to take when a guy talks about his ex to you. I've watched her steal from my . Ultimately, discuss the matter together and come up with a solution as a couple. No, scratch that.