According to, "Settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event: Settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and . Abstract. Kēhaulani Kauanui's work points colonial societies do not stop being colonial when political We are as old as our First Australians, the oldest continuing human culture on earth, who have cared for this country for more than . The project of settler-colonialism is about the land and the removal of Indigenous people from Native land. Patrick Wolfe, Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native, 8 J. Genocide Res. These techniques are woven throughout the US's national discourse at all levels of society. As Strakosch and As the late Patrick Wolfe phrased it, "settler colonizers come to stay: invasion is a structure not an event."1 Settler colonialism as a "structure not an event" captures the idea that settler colonial invasion of Indigenous lands should not be contained as a phenomenon of the past, but rather is continually repro- The Work of Settler Colonialism . With Zionism thus Invasion is a Structure not an Event: Settler Colonialism Past and Present. Settler colonialism is a 'structure not an event' and 'Race is colonialism speaking'. Per Dina Gillio-Whitaker, "Settler Colonialism may be said to be a structure, not an historic event, whose endgame is always the elimination of the Natives in order to acquire their land, which it does in countless seen and unseen ways. In other words, the invading aliens must depart at the The Registrar case, Martin Cannon imbricates issues of racism and sexism onto the scholarship theorizing settler colonialism.37 Cannon It's not the same as engaging with it, if our citation ignores questions of indigeneity. Patrick Wolfe, "Settler colonialism and the elimination of the native," Journal of Genocide Research, vol. The settler goal of seizing and establishing property rights over land and resources required the removal of indigenes, which was . 3• Exploitation of land through making original populations disappear forever Wolfe clarifies that "invasion is a structure not an event," and the logic of elimination is a structure of organizing the new society rather singular occurrences (Wolfe 2). And do not forget that despite Malcolm Turnbull's love of the phrase: "Australia is the most successful multicultural society in the world. An Althusserian approach to education posits that the Scholastic Apparatus exists to replicate the ideologies and norms of the nation-state. Thus, settlers often dream of alien invasions that will fully indigenise them. Thus, Patrick Wolfe wrote that settler colonialism is a "structure not an event," infused with a genocidal "logic of elimination." While students might initially view the settler-native-slave triad as corresponding to identities, la paperson wrote that these are not identities, but rather technologies of the settler nation-state. Wolfe explained that "invasion is a structure, not an event" and that settler colonialism is premised on the "elimination of the native", this being achieved through either physical elimination or assimilation policies that sought to transform indigenous populations into "white people". 54 This ontological stability gives meaning to the teleological problem that settler . Wolfe's well-cited theory that, "settler-colonialism, is a structure, not an event." Her work offers an important reminder that it's not enough to just cite and acknowledge settler-colonialism as a structure. This is why Patrick Wolfe (1999) emphasizes that settler colonialism is a structure and not an event. A two-day event organized by Gabriel Piterberg, UCLA. Settler Colonialism as Structure: A Framework for Comparative Studies of U.S. Race and Gender Formation Evelyn Nakano Glenn1 Abstract Understanding settler colonialism as an ongoing structure rather than a past historical event serves as the basis for an historically grounded and inclusive analysis of U.S. race and gender formation. The perma-nence of settler colonialism makes it a structure, not just an event (Wolfe, 1999). As the late Patrick Wolfe reminded us, settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event. Settler colonial societies across the world differ from each other, but some aspects of elimination Think of it as an actual structure, perhaps a house. The scholar Patrick Wolfe said settler-colonialism is " a structure and not an event . According to this argument, Israel's "settler colonialism" is a "structure, not an event," and is accompanied by a "legacy of foundational violence" that extends back to the First Zionist Congress in 1897 or even before. The event, sponsored by the Native American Student Association, discussed Thanksgiving and its ties to settler colonialism. If, as Patrick Wolfe contends, settler colonial invasion "is a structure not an event," then the future of the settler state will be brought about through continuous labor in multiple arenas of social life. The split tensing reflects a determinate feature of settler colonisation. (graphic from @decolonize_this)" Settler Colonialism is structural, ongoing, and based on the elimination of the native. An Althusserian (2014) approach to education posits that the Scholastic Apparatus exists to replicate the ideologies and norms of the nation-state. For example, Jafri looks at how Sherene Razak has theorized settler society in a way that does not posit that settler colonialism is "a structure, not an event," but that entails the continued repetition of colonial violence and relationship based on colonial domination. Israeli settler colonialism cannot be reduced to Minister of Education Naftali Bennett's rhetoric about annexing the West . "Invasion is a structure not an event" A basic principle of settler colonialism. In her short paper, '"A Structure Not an Event": Settler Colonialism and Enduring Indigeneity', J. Kēhaulani Kauanui (2016) makes the point that Patrick Wolfe 's work has often been reduced to the phrase, 'Invasion is a Structure not an Event', without much attempt to think deeply about its many meanings and implications. colonialism has a history. For example, Jafri looks at how Sherene Razak has theorized settler society in a way that does not posit that settler colonialism is "a structure, not an event," but that entails the continued repetition of colonial violence and relationship based on colonial domination. Settler colonialism as a structure requires genocide. Therefore, it is important to listen to and act upon the current Palestinian call: " Aan lil-Nakba a-la tastamer " (It is time for the Nakba not to . Settler-colonialism is a gendered structure because it disrupts gender relations in Indigenous communities and attempts to . Settler Colonial (Neftenga Safaris) Abyssinia is structural, not an Event Settler colonialism destroys to replace as the result of settler colonialism's genocidal outcomes in time and space. Examining settler colonialism as "a structure not an event," Wolfe scrutinizes the interrelated histories of anthropology and settler colonialism. "Set-tler colonies were (are) premised on the elimination of the native societies," Patrick Wolfe explains. 4, December 2006, p. 388 . 388, 390 (2006) ("Settler colonizers come to stay: invasion is a structure not an event."); Lorenzo Veracini, The Settler Colonial Present 9 (2015) ("[S]ettler colonialism forever proclaims its passing, but it never goes away."). In its positive aspect, elimination is an organizing principal of settler-colonial society rather than a one-off (and superseded) occurrence. Looking to Wolfe (1999, 2006, 2013), we know that the invasion of what is currently called Canada was a structure and not an event; thus, systems of education, as part of the overall settler colonial structure of the nation-state, Settler colonialism is said to be a structure, not an historic event, whose endgame is always the elimination of the Natives in order to acquire their land, which it does in countless seen and unseen ways. come to stay: invasion is a structure not an event.7 In its positive aspect, elimin- ation is an organizing principal of settler-colonial society rather than a one-off (and superseded) occurrence. Writers in the aera of settler colonial studies (discussed below) have proposed that a principle of fundamental importance for settler colonial states is that their colonialism is a structure not an event. Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Invasion is a Structure not an Event: Settler Colonialism Past and Present UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies 10286 Bunche Hall • Los Angeles, CA 90095-1480 More › 335 People Used More Info ›› Visit site > The colonizers come to stay—invasion is a structure not an event'. "Settler colonialism is a structure, not an event. It isn't something you personally did, or didn't do, thus you cannot claim innocence. Understanding settler colonialism as an ongoing structure rather than a past historical event serves as the basis for an historically grounded and inclusive analysis of U.S. race and gender formation. It is a "structure, not an event" Elimination can take place in a multitude of ways and are part of the structure of settler colonial society. Negatively, it strives for the dissolution of native societies. Positively, it erects a new colonial society on the expropriated land base—as I put it, settler colonizers come to stay: invasion is a structure not an event. Settler colonialism is a form of colonialism that seeks to replace indigenous sovereignty with a new sovereign society of settlers.. According to this argument, Israel's "settler colonialism" is a "structure, not an event," and is accompanied by a "legacy of foundational violence" that extends back to the First Zionist Congress in 1897 or even before. 8, no. Settler colonialism is said to be a structure, not an historic event, whose endgame is always the elimination of the Natives in order to acquire their land, which it does in countless seen and unseen ways. These techniques are woven throughout the US's national discourse at all levels of society. Settler colonialism can be differentiated from what one might call exogenous colonialism in that the colonizers arrive at a place ("discovering" it) and make it a permanent home (claiming it). 'Settler colonies were (are) premised on the elimination of the native societies. London: Cassel. The settler These techniques are woven throughout the US's national discourse at all levels of society. That is, Israel is a settler colonial state, and not just because it builds settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In this talk given March 2, 2017, Jodi A. Byrd considers how play, story, and the structures of settler colonialism influence video games. The Importance of Structure Wolfe argues that "logic of elimination" is a preferable term because of its permanency and emphasis that "settler colonizers come to stay: invasion is a structure not an event" (388). In particular, Patrick Wolfe's conceptualization of settler colonialism as "a structure, not an event" premised on "the elimination of the Native" enabled me to support the contention that colonization is ongoing.8 Retrospectively, however, I believe there is a qualitative difference between arguing that colonization is ongoing, and . Settler colonialism and the transformation of anthropology: The politics and poetics of an ethnographic event. Whilst under imperial domination colonies are sustained and exploited to support the metropolitan centre, settler colonialism functions through an invasive structure that seeks to eventually replace original populations. Since the publication of Wolfe's (2006: 388) Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native, the idea that settler colonialism is "a structure not an event" has taken root and is now foundational to scholarship in settler-colonial studies. Wolfe's essay "Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native" 2 is often cited as the principal work representing the concept and theory of the settler colonial analytic. Yet this also signals the radical potential of labor to disrupt the global capitalist system . Jared Davidson: Settler colonialism is a structure not an event - woodcut Saturday, April 4, 2015 Settler colonialism is a structure not an event - woodcut This is a woodcut I made to illustrate a quote by Patrick Wolfe. J. Kēhaulani Kauanui, ""A Structure, Not an in his groundbreaking theory of the "logic of elimination," patrick wolfe shows that settler colonialism is a system, not a historical event, and that as such it perpetuates the erasure of native peoples as a precondition for settler expropriation of lands and resources, providing the necessary conditions for establishing the present-day ideology … Wolfe's famous summary of settler colonialism as "a structure not an event" mires the concept in stasis and might be better reworded as "a process, not a structure or an event." So when and where did settler colonialism begin, and who started it? Since settler colonialism is a structure and not an event, and because indigenous peoples are still subject to that structure—an ongoing genocidal project—NAIS must be engaged in relation to Settler Colonial Studies for any meaningful examination of the US state in the context of American Studies, Cultural Studies, and other related fields. Both phrases were recurrently cited in contributions to the forum, and in most writing referencing Wolfe. Despite notions of post-coloniality, settler. 1 Countering the notion of a 'post' — the 'post' that had informed postcolonial studies as a scholarly endeavour since its inception, even if the exact meaning of that . And although Wolfe insisted on making it clear time and again that he did not create the field of settler colonial studies—that Native scholars did—within the field of American Studies (as just one example . Not all colonies are created in the same way. Many Indigenous writers, artists and scholars have suggested that video games might offer important new formats through which to present the multidirectional and embodied narratives embedded within traditional stories. In the process of settler colonialism, land is remade into property and human relationships to land are restricted to the relationship of the owner to his property. Kauanui's attention to Patrick Wolfe's much quoted arti culation of settler colonialism as "a structure not an event" in her call to make indigeneity a sustained part of conversations about settler colonialism reminds us, however, that settler colonialism is also a problem of time. Settler colonialism circles around this moment, variously locating it in the past, the present and the future. The extractive relations that are the basis of settler colonialism require and produce white subjects for whom Indigenous lands and bodies are the resource for white identity; policing is one site where white men and women (as well as those aspiring to whiteness), can enact racial hierarchy on behalf of the colonial state with impunity. Continues to be one of the most-cited books in settler colonial studies. The key word here is structure, which, as Patrick Wolfe reminds us, is a defining characteristic of settler… View J. Kehaulani Kauanui -A Structure, Not an Event- Settler Colonialism and Enduring Indigeneity - Late from ENG 504 at John Taylor Collegiate. settler colonialism has both negative and positive dimensions. is a structure not an event."35 Veracini has suggested that within settler colonial forma-tions, events replace structures through ongoing invasion.36 Addressing the McIvor vs. Yet again, it will all be in vain if these invasions do not ultimately fail. Quotes []. As such, colonialism in the Canadian context does not have a beginning and end date — this is what Wolfe means when he says settler-colonialism is not an event. Colonialism typically ends, whereas settler colonialism lasts forever, except in the rare event of complete evacuation, or settler decolonization. Patrick Wolfe, in "Settler colonialism and the elimination of the Native," lays out a detailed argument in which he seeks to distinguish between genocide and settler colonialism while also illuminating the complexity of their relationship, and in so doing, lays the foundation for the concept "structural genocide" by drawing upon multiple histories, including Australia, North America . Remember that settler-colonialism is a structure and not an event. In a seminal 1998 book, an intervention that kick-started what with hindsight could be called the 'settler colonial turn', Patrick Wolfe concluded that settler 'invasion is a structure not an event'. Settler colonialism is a structure, not an event (Patrick Wolfe, 1999) 2• Ongoing way of organizing society, including citizenship, access to resources, etc. Settler colonialism differs from other colonial projects in that it seeks total extermination of the Native in order to obtain indigenous lands for the settler to inhabit and extract resources. Nancy Shoemaker suggests that we might need to go as far back . Rather, settler-colonialism is an ongoing project. Looking to Wolfe (1999, 2006, 2013), we know that the invasion of what is currently called Canada was a structure and not an event; settler colonial policies and practices legitimized and continue to re-legitimize the existence of the Settler colonizers come to stay: invasion is a structure not an event. Settler colonialism as a "structure not an event" captures the idea that settler colonial invasion of Indigenous lands should not be contained as a phenomenon of the past, but rather is continually. The historian of race and settler colonialism Patrick Wolfe writes "settler colonialism destroys to replace", and insists that "invasion", in settler colonial contexts, is "a structure, not an event". A settler colonialism framework can encompass the specificities of racisms and sexisms affecting different racialized groups—especially Native Americans, blacks, Latinos, and Asian Americans—while also highlighting structural and cultural factors that undergird and link these racisms and sexisms. - invasion is a structure not an event.5 But there is an event that can replace that structure: further invasion. • " Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native" by Patrick Wolfe • "'A Structure, Not An Event: Settler Colonialism and Enduring Indigeneity" by J. Kēhaulani Kauanui Week 5: Oct. 4-10 Mediating Frontline Defense Watch: • INVASION by Unist'ot'en (directed by Michael Toledano, Sam Vinal, and Franklin López) According to this argument, Israels settler colonialism is a structure, not an event, and is accompanied by a legacy of foundational violence that extends back to the First Zionist Congress in 1897 or even before. Duane Champagne, UCLA: Indigenous institution building and 20th century US . Settler colonialism as a "structure not an event" captures the idea that settler colonial invasion of Indigenous lands should not be contained as a phenomenon of the past, but rather is continually reproduced throughout the history and present of settler societies such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel. Veracini in seminal 2015 book The Settler- - Colonial Present quoting James Bleich insightfully defined a 'settler' that is, a ' bona fide' is not. local colonial politics from the 19th century up to the late 20th century, settler colonialism, and the ideological and sexual regimes that characterize it The editors of Ethics & International Affairs are pleased to present the Winter 2021 issue of the journal!The highlight of this issue is a book symposium organized Thursday, October 29, 2009 2:30 PM - 6:15 PM Kerckhoff Grand Salon UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90095. Per Dina Gillio-Whitaker, "Settler Colonialism may be said to be a structure, not an historic event, whose endgame is always the elimination of the Natives in order to acquire their land, which it does in countless seen and unseen ways. But as J. Kēhaulani Kauanui observed regarding settler colonialism, racism is "a structure, not an event" [8]. Positively, it erects a new colonial society on the expropriated land base—as I put it, settler colonizers come to stay: invasion is a structure not an event. Settler colonialism as a "structure not an event" captures the idea that settler colonial invasion of Indigenous lands should not be contained as a phenomenon of the past, but rather is continually reproduced throughout the history and present of settler societies such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel. Patrick Wolfe "Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native." Journal of Genocide Research 8.4 (2006): 387-409. It is enacted through practices like the creation of reserves, residential schools, enfranchisement and abduction into state custody as well as practices like the extraction of natural resources through mining, pipelines and more. Settler colonialism is continuing and ongoing. Abstract. Settler Colonialism Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. "The colonizers come to stay—invasion is a structure not an event." Because it was structural rather than contingent, settler colonialism Racism, according to Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, refers to the social systems that . In contrast, one cannot conceive of a Canada or an Australia that are not settler colonies because these states are founded on- and sustained by the fact of settlement (reflecting Wolfe's observation that 'invasion is a structure, not an event.'). That means that it's still around. And yet, in settler-colonial formations, no such radical break ever seems to come — 'invasion is a structure not an event'. These techniques are woven throughout the US's national discourse at all levels of society. You can move in, add new furniture, repurpose the rooms, even knock some walls down, renovate. Patrick Wolfe points out that settler colonialism is a structure, not an event. (2006) theorization of settler colonialism as " a structure, not an event " emphasizes that historical processes are reinforced and perpetuated in contemporary issues. structure, not an event: settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and juridical control over their lands. Feel free to download and re-use it, or contact me for a high resolution TIFF version. Considering settler colonialism as a structure, not an event, many scholars have been pointing out that the Palestinian Nakba is not simply an event of the past, but is ongoing, to this day. settler colonialism the colonizer means to occupy the land permanently. Based on enduring settlement, settler colonialism is - as Wolfe put it - "a structure, not an event." Thus, in tending to settler colonialism as an ongoing structure of domination, what decolonization must entail will differ than in franchise colonies (or other colonial situations). The combination of these two phrases conveys the ontological instability of race, which emerged as a regime, practice or technique of settler colonialism. Colonialism typically ends, whereas settler colonialism lasts forever, except in the rare event of complete evacuation, or settler decolonization. Panel I (2:30-4:15) Chair: Cesar Ayala, UCLA. The historian of race and settler colonialism Patrick Wolfe writes "settler colonialism destroys to replace", and insists that "invasion", in settler colonial contexts, is "a structure, not an event". It "erects a new colonial society on the expropriated land base," making settler colonialism "a structure and not an event" because it is an .